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Meeting AQUASYN in Barcelona abstract

Last May, AQUASYN consortiummadeits second “Transnational meeting” in Barcelona. A series of activities were developed.One example of these is the visit to the Dr. Oliver-RodésLaboratorywhere the director, Mr. Benet Oliver-Rodés, welcomed all the members of the consortium. Also, he shared his experiences and the importance of this company, which has been leaded for generations by his family and himself.

Then we did a little tour on the history of Pharmacy. We went to the Royal Academy of Pharmacy of Catalonia where Dr. MiquelYlla-Català gave us a short talk on the history of this relevant Institution.

During the afternoon, the “Stakeholders event” took place.There the audience could know the goals; reach of the AQUASYN project and different approaches to the world of bottled water.

In the second and final day, the consortium partners had an internal meeting where the Secretaryof the European Federation of Bottled Waters (EFBW)and the specialists in bottled water of the Dr. Oliver- Rodés Laboratory in Spain were invited. The meeting discussed future plans of AQUASYN project, which will involve the consortium and the other participants.

The organizers are grateful for the company and kindness of every one of the visitors with whom we expect to complete with success this starting project.